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Restorative Dentistry

What Are Common Restorative Dentistry Procedures?
added on: April 16, 2024

Restorative dentistry plays a crucial role in enhancing both the functionality and aesthetics of a smile. Procedures that are considered restorative dentistry can range from repairing damaged teeth to restoring missing ones, but all of these procedures are essential for maintaining oral health and improving quality of life.  Understanding Restorative… Read More…

Exploring the Link Between Dementia and Oral Health
added on: September 14, 2023
Joseph Majka, DDS

The human body is complicated, and the connection between various bodily systems can often surprise us. One such connection gaining increasing attention is the link between dementia and oral health. While these two might seem worlds apart, research is revealing a fascinating relationship between the two that emphasizes the importance… Read More…

How Can I Prevent And Treat Dry Mouth?
added on: August 29, 2023
Joseph Majka, DDS

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is an incredibly common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can lead to discomfort, difficulties in speaking and swallowing, and even dental problems if left untreated. But what exactly causes dry mouth? How can it impact oral health? What are some practical… Read More…

Don’t Let Stress Damage Your Teeth
added on: February 15, 2021
stressed man with mask

The past year or so has been… interesting, to say the least. With lockdowns, working from home, schooling from home, and everything in between, it’s only normal to feel more stressed than usual. But during these times of increased stress, it’s more important than ever to take care of your… Read More…

The Honest Truth About Your Missing Tooth
added on: March 29, 2019
man with missing tooth

Maybe it’s been a long time since you last visited our dental office in Valparaiso for a comprehensive cleaning and checkup. That’s OK! But maybe now you find yourself with a missing tooth, or in danger of having a tooth (or multiple teeth) fall out due to deterioration over time…. Read More…

Is a Lost Filling a Dental Emergency?
added on: August 21, 2018
woman embarrassed

Our dental office in Valparaiso understands that losing or breaking a filling can be scary. It may even be a little painful. But many times a lost filling isn’t a dental emergency. However, with that said, it’s still important to treat it appropriately and in a timely manner. We’re here… Read More…

4 Habits That Are Destroying Your Teeth
added on: July 26, 2017
woman biting her nails

Even if you brush twice a day, floss each night, and visit our dental office in Valparaiso at least twice a year, you may be doing other things that could be damaging your smile… and you may not even know it. Today we’d like to talk about some of the… Read More…

5 Favorite Treats That Can Crack Teeth
added on: May 19, 2017

There are a lot of things that can cause tooth damage. We’ve seen cracked teeth from sports injuries, loose teeth caused by clenching and grinding, and there’s always the chance for us to treat someone for a simple cavity. But at our Valparaiso dental office, it’s also pretty common for… Read More…

What Foods are Good (and Bad) for Dentures?
added on: November 11, 2016
eat with dentures

At my dental office in Valparaiso we are always teaching patients about the effects different foods and beverages can have on teeth, and the importance of maintaining excellent dental hygiene at home. The same is true for denture patients! It’s important to try and avoid foods and drinks that can… Read More…

Tooth Pain? You May Need a Root Canal.
added on: July 20, 2016
root canal

When your tooth hurts, it’s incredibly unpleasant and often described as a pain unlike any other. There could be any number of explanations for the discomfort, but sometimes the problem is pretty serious and may require a root canal. But how can you tell? Let my Valparaiso dental office help…. Read More…

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