Everyone enjoys getting a solid night’s sleep. It not only feels great… it also provides some valuable health benefits, too. But sometime, sleep can be interrupted by any number of things — a snoring partner, a sick child, or even from biting your own tongue. If this last item happens… Read More…
Dry mouth is an uncomfortable feeling that all of us experience occasionally. But living with a chronically dry mouth isn’t just uncomfortable, it’s unhealthy too. At my Valparaiso dental office, we wanted to examine the top causes of dry mouth, why it’s so concerning, and ways to combat it for… Read More…
By now you’ve probably at least heard of oil pulling, but perhaps you’re unsure as to what exactly it is, how it’s supposed to help your oral health, and if it actually works. Don’t worry, my dental office in Valparaiso is here to help. We’ve looked into the now popular… Read More…
Part of what makes being a dentist so rewarding and enjoyable is getting to know patients and their smiles. At my Valparaiso dental office, my team and I always like to take the time to help without making anyone feel rushed or uncomfortable. I am truly happy to see each… Read More…
As we get older, we tend to experience more health concerns than we did when we were younger. Our dental health is no different. At my Valparaiso dental office, we want all of our patients to be aware of some of the most common oral health issues that tend to… Read More…
Eating gluten-free has been increasing in popularity over the past couple of years. Sometimes this dietary change is due to choice. Other times, it’s out of necessity. Those with celiac disease or a gluten intolerance avoid gluten because it makes them incredibly sick. In these individuals, gluten can also cause… Read More…
There’s a new trend sweeping the nation that some claim to be a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes, also known as E-cigarettes, are purported to be less dangerous and perhaps a successful smoking cessation aid. But at my Valparaiso dental office, we wanted to know about their effect… Read More…