So much more goes into maintaining a healthy smile besides brushing and flossing your teeth and seeing your dentist in Valparaiso, although those are certainly important. Everything from what we eat and drink to our everyday habits can impact oral health. In fact, there are many habits that are bad… Read More…
Asthma affects an estimated 25 million Americans. This lifelong respiratory disease can be found in both kids and adults and can make it hard to breathe, causing wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness. But outside of these scary respiratory symptoms, could asthma also affect oral health? Let’s check in with your… Read More…
Nobody plans for a dental problem, but they do happen. When they do, they can be worrisome. Dental problems can appear to come on suddenly, and many can be painful. However, several types of oral health conditions can often be prevented, or at least treated before they cause trouble, by… Read More…
April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, a time when healthcare professionals come together to raise awareness of this sometimes deadly condition. Oral cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence and can often be treated successfully when it’s caught early. Of course, your dentist in Valparaiso wants to do everything we can… Read More…
What we put into our bodies can certainly affect how we feel and how healthy we are overall. But eating the right foods can not only fuel your body, but it can also enhance your oral health. During this National Nutrition Month, your dentist in Valparaiso wants to help all of… Read More…
Some of the most common ways people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day are by wearing a bunch of green, maybe going to a parade, and oftentimes, drinking beer. It’s also likely that you’ll be able to find many bars and restaurants serving green beer, after all, this is one of the… Read More…
When life’s busy, it’s easy to overlook your dental health. But the truth is, seeing your dentist in Valparaiso regularly can help catch and treat small concerns before they have a chance to develop into more serious problems. Maintaining dental visits every six months should be an important part of your… Read More…
Your wisdom teeth are the molars farthest back in your mouth, and they are the last ones to erupt. Usually, wisdom teeth show up between the age of 17 and 21, but they can pop up sooner, later, or not at all. Many times your dentist in Valparaiso will recommend having… Read More…
Mouth ulcers can pop up for any number of reasons, and most of the time, they’re nothing to be worried about. But that doesn’t change the fact that they can be annoying and painful, causing you to want to find the best way to get rid of mouth ulcers quickly…. Read More…
From sniffles and coughs to sore throats and fevers, there are plenty of telltale signs that cold and flu season is among us. Unfortunately, December through February is typically prime time for a cold or the flu to affect your family, and we’re just now starting to enter that time… Read More…