At our dental office in Valparaiso, we love helping our patients get a smile they’re proud of. But visits to our office twice a year are only part of what you can do to make sure you’re showing your smile the love it needs to stay healthy. If you want… Read More…
Toothbrushes aren’t meant to last forever. The brushing that you do to keep your smile looking great can really take a toll on your toothbrush. My dental office in Valparaiso wants to remind patients using a brush with frayed, worn-out bristles that it may be time for a change. Make… Read More…
When we’re on the go, it’s easy to grab a beverage from the nearest fast food restaurant or convenience store. My dental office in Valparaiso wants to talk about an important, handy accessory that commonly comes with these to-go drinks – the straw. How Can Straws Help Teeth? It might… Read More…
When you have a toothache, all you want to do is make it go away. At my Valparaiso dental office, we’re always willing to help ease your toothache pain, but what can you do if a toothache strikes when you’re on vacation or when we aren’t open? What is a… Read More…
Toothpaste serves a very specific purpose — to brush away bacteria and plaque that collects on teeth. But with all the developments in toothpaste technology, many options offer additional benefits like whitening, decreasing sensitivity, and adding an extra boost of freshness. With all the options available to you, how do… Read More…
We all need to see the dentist regularly — kids, men, and women. But one of those demographics is avoiding regular dental appointments. We’re looking at you, men! Statistically, men don’t visit the dentist as often as their female counterparts. At my Valparaiso dental office, we wanted to know why,… Read More…
First and foremost, toothpaste should be used to brush your teeth. That’s obvious. But at my Valparaiso dental office, we’ve been hearing of other possible ways toothpaste can be helpful around the house, besides just as a daily teeth cleanser. We thought we’d share some of the top uses for… Read More…
You know many of the common things that result in dental health concerns including not brushing or flossing enough, forgoing regular visits to my Valparaiso dental office, smoking, and even eating foods high in sugar. But did you know that your posture can also affect your oral health? Straighten up,… Read More…
Your toothbrush is meant to rid your mouth of bacteria and germs. But at my Valparaiso dental office, we know that your toothbrush may not always be clean itself. In fact, your toothbrush may be home to some seriously nasty things. Like What Nasty Things? We’re glad you asked. Some… Read More…
It’s all in the genes when it comes to many traits and characteristics inherited from parent to child. In some ways, the same can be said for our smiles. At my Valparaiso dental office, we were curious to know if children are more likely to inherit the same dental problems… Read More…