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General & Preventive Dentistry

Different Types of Dental Floss
added on: July 29, 2019
dental floss

When it comes to great oral health, you’ll often hear your dentist in Valparaiso talk a lot about proper brushing and the importance of doing it every day. But there’s a good chance your dental team also talks to you about why you should be flossing every day. And with… Read More…

Can Swimming Pools Affect Your Smile?
added on: July 22, 2019
kids swimming

Swimming pools may seem like an odd thing for your dentist in Valparaiso to talk about, but besides being a long-time summer favorite and a relaxing escape from the heat, swimming pools may actually pose an unwanted threat to your teeth. Now, before you forego all pools this summer (trust… Read More…

Do Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed?
added on: June 20, 2019
wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth can be a pesky problem, whether they need to be removed or not. While there are times when your dentist in Valparaiso may suggest keeping wisdom teeth around, it’s most common to have wisdom teeth removed. In fact, over 90% of Americans have their wisdom teeth removed. So… Read More…

Gum Disease & Your Overall Health
added on: June 10, 2019
checking gums with mirror

Your dental care isn’t only about your teeth. Your gums also play a key role in not only the health of your mouth but also the health of your body. At our dental office in Valparaiso, we care for your entire mouth and are always on the lookout for gum… Read More…

I’m Pregnant and Nervous About Seeing the Dentist. Help!
added on: May 14, 2019
pregnant woman brushing teeth

There are so many new questions and complications that can arise when you find out you’re expecting a little one. It’s such a beautiful time and moment in an expectant mother’s life, and we want you to be able to relax and enjoy all of the positive sides of pregnancy…. Read More…

Signs of an Abscessed Tooth
added on: April 23, 2019
dentist looks at x-ray

Your tooth is throbbing, and you’re in a lot of pain. It’s unlike any pain you’ve ever felt before, and it’s definitely worse than a typical toothache. What could be going on? You may have an infection called an abscess. Besides the pain, the team at our dental office in… Read More…

Recognizing the Signs of Oral Cancer
added on: April 15, 2019
oral cancer awareness

Oral cancer is a scary disease that takes the lives of over 8,500 Americans every year. It’s a widespread problem that can be treated, often very successfully, if caught early. The problem is, many people don’t know the signs of oral cancer and may never realize there’s a problem until… Read More…

The Honest Truth About Your Missing Tooth
added on: March 29, 2019
man with missing tooth

Maybe it’s been a long time since you last visited our dental office in Valparaiso for a comprehensive cleaning and checkup. That’s OK! But maybe now you find yourself with a missing tooth, or in danger of having a tooth (or multiple teeth) fall out due to deterioration over time…. Read More…

Is Snoring Bad for My Smile?
added on: March 19, 2019
couple snoring

At our Valparaiso dental office, we always go out of our way to make sure your mouth and your body are as healthy as possible – even it goes beyond simply treating or cleaning your teeth. Sometimes patients are concerned about how snoring might be affecting their smile, so we… Read More…

What to Do About Sensitive Teeth
added on: February 27, 2019
sensitive tooth

If thinking about indulging in a cold bowl of ice cream or sipping on a cup of hot tea makes you wince in pain, you may be suffering from sensitive teeth. Tooth sensitivity is nothing to take lightly. It can keep you from enjoying some of your favorite foods or… Read More…

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