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General & Preventive Dentistry

Why Are My Gum Receding?
added on: July 20, 2020
woman with gum pain

When it comes to your oral health, it’s no surprise that your dentist in Valparaiso puts so much importance on taking proper care of your teeth. But did you know that your gums are another crucial aspect to overall oral health? In fact, our gums are just as important to… Read More…

Why is Staying Hydrated So Important?
added on: June 25, 2020
woman drinking glass of water

As we enter the hot summer months, it’s more important than ever to keep our bodies properly hydrated. After all, a well-hydrated body helps organs function properly, can improve sleep, and may even protect against infections. But as your dentist in Valparaiso knows, drinking enough water isn’t just good for… Read More…

3 Reasons The Man in Your Life Should See His Dentist
added on: June 16, 2020
man in his office

You’ll always hear your dentist in Valparaiso talk about how important it is for everyone to come in for preventive dental checkups every six months. But there’s a special section of our population that tends to avoid these bi-annual visits and instead prefers to wait until they have a problem…. Read More…

Tongue Discoloration & Overall Health
added on: May 21, 2020
close up of tongue

Your dentist in Valparaiso knows that your oral health can say a lot about your overall health. But the connection doesn’t just involve your teeth and gums. In fact, at every one of your dental appointments, your dental team takes a good, hard look at your tongue, as well as… Read More…

Can Stress Cause Oral Health Problems?
added on: April 24, 2020
stressed man

As we all know, recently everyone’s life has quickly changed, and we’re all experiencing a temporary new normal. But with change and uncertainty also comes quite a bit of stress. Your dentist in Valparaiso understands, and we’re with you. While we’re sure that trying your best to avoid getting stressed… Read More…

What is a Dental Emergency?
added on: April 9, 2020
woman with toothache

Nobody wants to experience a dental emergency, and that may be more true now than ever before thanks to all of the confusion and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and dental care. Don’t worry, your dentist in Valparaiso and the American Dental Association (ADA) are here to help clarify what constitutes a… Read More…

How Long Does Novocaine Last?
added on: March 23, 2020

If you’ve ever had a dental procedure such as a filling or root canal, chances are you’ve experienced the odd sensation of novocaine numbness. While novocaine can help you not feel anything during treatment, the side effects can be annoying. But just how long do you have to deal with… Read More…

3 Ways to Prevent Bad Breath
added on: February 26, 2020
woman with bad breath

We’ve all experienced the embarrassment of bad breath at some point in our lives. Maybe it was after a hearty dish of garlicky pasta or your morning cup of coffee. Or perhaps it’s something you deal with every day. Either way, we think it’s pretty fair to say that nobody… Read More…

The Surprising Connection Between Gum Disease & Heart Disease
added on: February 12, 2020
heart health month

Every February, we celebrate Heart Health Month to raise awareness of how we can both evaluate our risk for heart disease as well as what we can do to reduce that risk. While it may seem out of character to hear your dentist in Valparaiso talk about heart health, the… Read More…

Cough Medicine & Oral Health
added on: January 23, 2020
cough syrup

Everyone knows how miserable the common cold can be. When we come down with a case of the sniffles or an annoying cough, we’re willing to do almost anything to make it stop. While medications to treat the symptoms of a cold can help suppress a cough or ease a… Read More…

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