The past year or so has been… interesting, to say the least. With lockdowns, working from home, schooling from home, and everything in between, it’s only normal to feel more stressed than usual. But during these times of increased stress, it’s more important than ever to take care of your… Read More…
It’s easy to put off taking care of yourself. After all, we all know what it’s like when work, life, family, and other obligations get in the way. However, we’ve just turned the calendar on a new year, and it’s tradition to set some resolutions for yourself now for the… Read More…
Toothaches can happen at any time and they can happen to anyone. But that doesn’t necessarily make having a toothache feel any better. When it comes to finding out what’s causing your tooth pain, and how to treat it, there are few steps you can take. However, please note if… Read More…
Did you know that there’s a connection between oral health and overall health? It’s true, and your dentist in Valparaiso wants you to know that what’s going on inside of your mouth can provide a snapshot of your overall health – and may even help diagnose health problems before they… Read More…
October is National Dental Hygiene Month, an entire 31 days dedicated to our trusted and caring hygienists. This year, like most things, the celebration is a little bit different and has an appropriate theme — Faces of Courage. Sponsored by the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and Colgate, National Dental Hygiene… Read More…
Getting a cancer diagnosis can be understandably scary, and some cancer treatments can cause some unwanted and unpleasant side effects throughout your body. Your mouth is no exception. While we understand that seeing your dentist in Valparaiso may not be at the top of your to-do list, especially if you’re… Read More…
When you smile, do you see more of your gums than your teeth? If so, you may have what’s often called a gummy smile. However, opinions about gummy smiles vary from person to person, and your dentist in Valparaiso believes that if you love your smile, there’s nothing you should… Read More…
When we’re little, losing our teeth can be an exciting thing. After all, we get a visit from the tooth fairy, a few extra bucks under our pillows, and there’s really nothing cuter than a child missing their two front teeth. But as we get older, missing teeth isn’t so… Read More…
There’s a dental treatment out there that can make even the toughest of the tough shudder in fear. We’re talking about the dreaded root canal. This dental procedure has gained such a terrible reputation over the years of being an incredibly painful, uncomfortable, and overall horrible thing. However, nothing could… Read More…
We all want to have a bright, white smile. But thanks to both internal and external factors, our teeth can transform from their once brilliant appearance to a dull, discolored look. In this week’s blog, your dentist in Valparaiso explores some of the things, both within our control and out… Read More…